Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2007
Committee Members: Rita Mullin (RM), Nasos Phillips (NP), Sergio Coviello (SC), Lauren McMullen (LM)
Staff: Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT), Brian Wood (BW)
Absent: Mike Prisco (MP), Melissa Lewis (ML)
(MP) 7:00pm Quorum, meeting called to order Rita Mullin.
Audience of Citizens: Maureen Stevens-Administrative Assistant to Parks & Recreation Dept. to review the FY09 Budget Draft
Minutes from 09/17/07
(NP) Nasos Phillips made a motion to accept minutes from September 17, 2007 meeting with specific changes made...
A. Note that Lauren McMullen was absent
B. IRP Hockey rink to reflect breakdown of monies for repairs.
C. Fix revenues from summer program
D. Dog Park item-change groom to cut
E. Complaints letter- Change to Citizen's Letter
(SC) Sergio Coviello second the motion
In Favor: 3 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 1
*Abstained: Lauren McMullen was absent at the September 17, 2007 meeting.
Old Business
Review FY09 Draft Budget-Maureen Stevens
Maureen Stevens reviewed, summarized and answered questions on the FY09 budget for the
Committee and Staff. Highlighted items are listed below.
a. Personnel (pg 2) - Town redefined seasonal employee to be no more than 90 days of employment.
Dept is requesting to add a Seasonal #6 employee for the amount of $5760.00. Committee has approved the addition. Committee would like to see Administrative Assistant to become full time position out of the Revolving account.
b. Enterprise-BBQ (Pg 2) - Brian Wood summarized the BBQ series. Commented that a
popcorn machine may be a valuable addition. May make more money simplifying
process by serving easier meals with less staff.
c. Expenses-Conferences/Training (Pg 3) - Rita Mullin would like to see more money for training and conferences about $1000 under revolving account. Committee approved addition.
Page 2- Review FY09 Draft Budget-Maureen Stevens(Cont'd)
d. Expenses; Wheeler House Line item Addition (Pg 3) - Committee added line items for the Wheeler House for future use. Line items would include Utilities for Heat, lights and phone for a total of $4000.00. Renovations of the Wheeler house should go under revolving side of Special Projects.
e. Expenses; programs (Pg 3A) - Lynne Clemens, Recreational Director, would like to add a line item for General Supplies to be used for replacing equipment and small purchases for programs. Committee agrees to add General Supply's line item. The following line items are going to be deleted from budget because they have been re-categorized and are no-longer used: Adult Programs, Special Events, Pee Wee Sports, and Fencing.
f. Expenses-Parks & Fields (Pg 3B) - Brian Wood would like to add a line item for Tree work. Committee agrees to the addition. Line #13 equipment repair reflects a more realistic number. Line Bldg maintenance- was brought from $2000 down to $500. Should be brought back up to $1200 for expenses on Wheeler house. Line #17 Misc.- Items like hornet spray, locks, turf paint go under this line item. Line #19 Fencing- Additional $3500 for fencing maintenance. Line #21 Asphalt Maint.-should be increased, as the asphalt gets older it will required more frequent repairs.
g. Expenses; Enterprise (Pg 3B) - Brian Wood summarized the Entertainment and concession. Rita Mullin summarized the concession supplies line item.
(RM) Rita Mullin would like to have the committee review the rest of the FY09 budget and if anyone has any questions they can contact Rita.
Dog Park
A discussion was had by the committee reviewing the letter to the Board of Selectmen regarding
The Park Street Property A/K/A Dog Park. Rita Mullin is going to refine the letter and present to
committee at next meeting.
Update on Access to Wheeler Property
The committee would like for the members and staff to meet and complete a walk through the
Wheeler house to brain storm as to the needs for the department. Lynne Clemens, Recreational
Director, is trying to get together on 10/18/07 with John Welsh, Martin Fair, Jim DeCola, Marty
Tilton, Lauren McMullen and Sergio Coviello. There is no heat in the Wheeler house. The Committee
would like to acquire a quote on installing new forced hot air system w/ AC. Mostly likely it
would be a natural gas system. The modulars are almost ready to be removed.
IRP Hockey Park Estimates and Work Plan
(SC) Sergio Coviello supplied an updated spreadsheet with three quotes on the expenses for repairs to the Hockey Rink, the basketball court and tennis courts at IRP. Sergio suggest that the cracks in the floor surface be repaired and prepped now but the resurfacing of floor should wait until the spring time because the temperature can not be below 52*. Tennis court resurfacing and basketball crack repairs should happen at the same time as the rink is being resurfaced since the contractor will be there at that time and will be less expensive. Duraseal will maintain the quote price for the spring installation and resurfacing. Marty Tilton has almost complete the painting of the boards, need about one more week.
Wine Tasting-scheduling and tasking
Lauren McMullen is chair the Wine and Food tasting event for 2008. Date will be on Friday,
April 11, 2008 at the Hillview country club from 7-10pm at $40 per ticket. Lauren would like a
letter of participation to go out to the restaurants ASAP along with a color copy of the Photo collage
and Business information request for Restaurant donation cards. Also, committee would like to
contact Danvers saving bank to see if they would be willing to sponsor the wine trays again. If not try to
find another sponsor.
Page 3
Wine Tasting-scheduling and tasking (cont'd)
All restaurant letters should be mailed to s specific contact. Committee member should call the
Recreation dept for suggestions on sponsor and updates.
Silent Auction Items should be sent to the office. A Sponsor letter should also be updated for review
asking for donations for silent auction, which should include the Parks & recreation Mission for the event.
Wine glasses should be green in color and should remain with the logo already used. Check with
Mike Prisco about printing tickets.
New Business
Code of Conduct Policy
This item has been rescheduling for review at the October 15, 2007.
Discuss purchasing a New Tent for event and repairs to old tent
(MT) Marty is requesting to have an old tent repaired for $250 and purchase a new 20
x 40 event tent for $500. The repair and new tent would be covered fairly quickly with rental fees.
The Parks Dept will be implementing a "Break Down" fee applied when an event is being run during
off hours and that way it would pay for staff to come in during off hours and break down the
equipment. This policy should help with the wear and tear on the equipment, esp. the tents. The
committee approves to the repairs for $250 for the old tent and purchasing the new tent for $500.
Other Business
Special projects-Clarke Park Irrigation
(BW) Brian Wood summarized that the progress at Clarke Park regarding the installation of
irrigation is going well and only needs about one more week to complete.
(BW) Expansion tanks at Well House-at the 8/20/07 committee meeting $2675.00 was approved for
repairs to the expansion tanks at the Well House, however there was not a quorum at the meeting.
The committee needs to vote for the approval of $2675.00
(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion to approve $2675.00 to be spent on the repairs of the expansion tanks
at the Well House.
(NP) Nasos Phillips seconds the motion.
In Favor: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Allocate Revolving Funds into a Capital Funds Accounts
This item has been rescheduling for review at the October 15, 2007.
Future Meeting Dates
The Meeting schedule will be as follows:
10/15/07 11/19/07 12/17/07
11/5/07 12/3/07
(NP) A motion was made by Nasos Phillips to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 pm.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
In Favor: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0